Agents and Provocateurs
The Russian writer Sergei Dovlatov once said: “We endlessly curse Comrade Stalin, and, of course, for the cause. And yet, I want to ask—who wrote the four million denunciations?” This immersive performance created by Dasha Ziborova and Juliette Hermant invites the audience to participate in the sinister process of creating “denunciative drawings.” Commencing at Maison Bergogne with a perfomance, then threaded throughout the day and town, look out for these agents and provocateurs, they will surely be watching you.
Dasha Ziborova
Dasha Ziborova is a visual artist and comics writer, as well as the founder and curator of the Broken English & Other Languages series, which is dedicated to exploring different ways of storytelling. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, Dasha moved to New York in 1991. Her work has been featured at exhibitions such as Art on Paper, the Outsider Art Fair, The Center for Book Arts, Governors Island, DVAA, and Abecedarian Gallery.
Juliette Hermant
A painter, photographer, and interior designer, Juliette Hermant created Maison Bergogne, Narrowsburg, in 2012, envisioning it as a sustainable community hub supporting art and creatives at large. The art gallery layered with currated antiques and historical salvage offers an epic backdrop for her collaboration with Dasha Ziborova.