Jun 21-23, 2024

Deep Water Independent Book Fair

The indie/DIY corners of the publishing world play a pivotal role in shaping the current literary landscape. We are committed to creating a dynamic platform that celebrates literature in all forms, fostering meaningful connections within our diverse community. We hope this marketplace will serve as a space for us to engage directly with each other and with the world of books beyond the page.

The book fair will be accompanied by a curated reading for our vendors to show off their works live! This reading will take place during the festival’s Saturday programming, so all those attending ticketed events (and the public) can attend.

For additional information or questions please reach out to bonnie@deepwaterfestival.com.

Request a Booth


We’re offering three different types of booths, as well as reduced pricing for presses/authors located in the Upper Delaware. All vendor booths include a table, chairs, a printed sign, and discounts on additional festival programming.

Upper Delaware ResidentNon-Resident
Solo Booth$100$150
Shared Booth$50$75
Co-op Booth$20$30

Apply Now

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